Why is my Outlook not updating?
Computers & Internet

Why is my Outlook is not updating?

Answers 1
Kate Grenville


Outlook has officially launched its new feature and users can switch into updating the new features on their own. Now in the process, there were users whose Outlook updated without any problem. But there were many cases where users were not able to update their Outlook. There is not much to worry about because these issues are very minor problems which can be solved easily.

Go through the instructions thoroughly to solve the issue.

  • Open your Outlook and open up Tools menu from the Email account.
  • Next, select to View or change existing email and click next
  • Select your required email account from the given list and click at change
  • User must next update Mail Service.
  • At last make sure to save all the changes.

And we are done; with the following process users will be able to update Outlook.


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