Where can I download Instagram videos, Is there any tools for download Instagram Videos or photos?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
Kerry Greenwood


Easy way to download Instagram videos

Hey Y’all! I thought I would share a short guide on how to download Instagram videos and pictures. You can follow the steps below which will guide you through the straight forward process. I hope you enjoy it!

1. Go to Instagram and copy the link to the media that you want to download. If you’re using a web browser you can click on the picture of video and copy the link from the address bar.

2. Next go here - a very easy to use Instagram downloader web tool.

3. Paste in the URL of the Instagram video of picture into the box on the homepage and click the white download button.4. After you click on the download button the website will generate a new green download button below the white one. You can click on the button to begin the download.

4. After you click on the download button the website will generate a new green download button below the white one. You can click on the button to begin the download.

I hope this works for you guys. This website worked on my mobile device too




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