What are IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
Kerry Greenwood


IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail

IMAP is the best way to connect your Yahoo mail account to a desktop mail client or mobile application. It allows bidirectional synchronization, which means that everything you do remotely is reflected in your Yahoo mail account, no matter where or how you access it. Here are the settings you will need to configure your client or mail application.

Incoming mail server (IMAP)

  • Server - imap.mail.yahoo.com
  • Port - 993
  • SSL required - Yes

Outgoing mail server (SMTP)

  • Server - smtp.mail.yahoo.com
  • Port - 465 or 587
  • SSL required - Yes
  • Requires authentication - Yes

Your login information

  • Email address: your full email address (name@domain.com)
  • Password - Your account password
  • Requires authentication - Yes

If you need specific instructions for your mail client or application, contact your manufacturer.


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