How to take a screenshot of full-screen and some display part on Mac laptop
Computers & Internet

Press Shift-Command-4. Drag to select the area of the screen to capture. To move the entire selection, press and hold Space bar while dragging. After you release your mouse or trackpad button, find the screenshot on your desktop

Answers 1
Alexis Wright


How to take a full-screen screenshot on Mac laptop?


1.  Press [⌘+⇧ Shift+3] to capture an image of your entire display

2.  The image will be saved to a file on the desktop

3.  In doing so, your Mac computer will make the sound of a camera shutter

4.  Hence, a file labeled "Screen Shot [date]" will be appeared on your desktop

How to take the screenshot of a part of your display on Mac laptop?


1.  Press [⌘+⇧ Shift+4] if you are willing to take the screenshot of part of your display

2.  It will insist the pointer turn into a crosshairs

3.  Drag the crosshairs and create a box the part (to be captured) of the screen

4.  The computer will make a "shutter" sound when you release the click

5.  And the image will be saved to a file on your desktop


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