How to sync or access your calendar on multiple devices and applications?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
Hannah Kent


Synchronize or access your calendar on multiple devices and applications

Yahoo Calendar uses the CalDAV Internet standard and the iCal file format (ICS) to allow access to your calendar. You can synchronize or access your calendar on many applications, mobile devices, and desktop computers.

Synchronize the Yahoo calendar with mobile device calendar applications

Synchronize your Yahoo calendar with an iPhone or iPad

You can synchronize the Yahoo calendar with other CalDAV compatible devices. The steps vary by device, but you must enter your Yahoo ID and password, as well as the CalDAV URL associated with your account.

Enter this server URL in your device configuration:

Synchronize the Yahoo calendar with the calendar applications.

Yahoo Calendar synchronizes with applications that support the iCal (ICS) format. Consult the user documentation of the application or contact your manufacturer for assistance.

Access the Yahoo calendar from an unsupported device

If your device is not compatible with CalDAV, you can access your Yahoo calendar by browsing:

Sign in with your Yahoo ID and password.


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