How to reset Facebook password by identifying friends?
Computers & Internet

Find the Process of Recovering The Facebook Account via Identifying Friends. Just Follow Some Simple Procedure to Recover Facebook Password.

Answers 2
Aaron Summers


Contact Facebook Support Center +1-888-256-1911 for Facebook Password Reset

Jonathan Wells


How to Reset Facebook Password by Identifying Friends [Solved]

The social media usages are increasing day by day. The people share their thoughts, activities, and status on social media with their friends. There is a number of social media websites which are very popular among the new generation such as Facebook, Instagram and many more. Out of this facebook is the most popular social media websites on which users share their personal pictures and videos with their friends. So, it is very necessary to keep it as safe as possible.

You just think of, when someone hacked your account password or may you forget it. This is a very critical condition for the user if unable to access it again. There are a lot of things that a hacker can do with his or her profile. But don’t worry: Facebook has offered a very simple interface to reset facebook password by identifying friends if the user forgets it or someone hacked the account. Here are a few easy steps to get reset the password. Follow the steps below:

1. Browse link and click Forgot Your Password? option. A dialog box opens.

2. Enter your Registered Email Address and Phone Number to identify your account.

3. Enter your Facebook User Name in the respective field.

4. Enter your name and click Search option. The results will appear in-front of you.

5. If you are sure that the result shows your Facebook account then click Reset Password.

6. Enter the password reset code sent to your registered email address and mobile number in the respective field to get reset the Facebook password.

7. If you didn’t use the mobile number and email address for a long time then click No longer have access to these? Option a text box opens.

8. Enter another email account in New Email and Confirm New Email fields and click Submit.

9. Now, answer your security questions and click Submit option

10. Enter a new password, re-enter it and click Change Password

11. After 24 hours waiting period, get login using new email and password

12. In Recover Your Account Through Friends page click Continue

13. Select a friend to assist you. You can select a maximum of 3 friends and click Continue

14. Review your friends and click Send Code to Friends.

15. The Facebook sends you a password recovery link to your alternate email address. Click the link and enter the received code sent to your friend.

16. Now change the password of your facebook account to make it secure.  

After following the above-given steps you can easily reset facebook password by identifying friends. If still having any problem then you may contact the facebook support center to resolve your password rest problem.


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