How to Recover Google Account Password without Phone Number?
Computers & Internet

How can I recover my Gmail password without phone number? Please help me to find my Google account password without using phone number (mobile number linked with Google has been lost/hacked/stolen)

Answers 1
Kiara Josheph


Recovering a Google password is a simple task since Google offers multiple ways to obtain it, such as security questions and answers, email and phone number. If you have not registered your phone number in Google and are looking for Google password recovery without a phone number, you still have two options left and, through them, you can return to your account with a new password.

Google password recovery through security questions

· Visit the official Google website, enter your email address and click on the “I forgot my password” link.

· Google will ask you for the last password you remembered if you do not remember, click on “Try differently”.

· From then on, you will get a series of questions; Provide the correct answers to all the questions.

· If the answers provided coincide with the Google database, you will be directed to the new page where you can create a new password.

Recovery of the Google password through email.

· Visit the Google password recovery page by clicking on the link

· Enter your email address and click on the “Next” button.

· Later, you will be asked to enter the last password you remembered, if you forgot the password, then click on the “Test differently” link.

· On the next page, Google will offer you some options; select Email and then enter the alternate email address registered in Google and click the Next button.

· Open the same email address and look for the security code sent by Google.

· After finding the same, enter the code on the Google password recovery page and click on the Next button.

· Now, create a new password.


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