How to Make a Scrunchie?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
Pere Noel


Make a Scrunchie with easy method and also you can use it anytime anywhere:


Scrunchie is basically a common thing like cotton covered stylish elastic that women and girls use to bind their hair. There are thousands of color combinations and models of Scrunchie available in the market. Although we use this thing by simply purchasing it from the market but have you ever thought that how workers Make a Scrunchie and what time does it take to make one Scrunchie. If not then you should be aware of it. There is no bond of knowing anything but for the general awareness, it should be known to all. Scrunchie is also being used to wear at the wrist and ankle. There are lots of varieties available in the market. In this article, the steps of or you can say the process of manufacturing the Scrunchie is listed. In case you want to try making some Scrunchie at your home then you can make it easier.


Things that are required before making Scrunchie:

  1. The most important thing is the fabric. In fabric alone, there are many ranges like cotton, silk, velvet and many more.

  2. You should have tapped for the measurement purpose because the measurement is very important in making Scrunchie.

  3. A couple of scissors should be there according to the fabric.

  4. Pins and elastic that will help in binding would be required.

  5. Safety pin, thread, needle, and many more things are required.

Before start making Scrunchie make sure you have collected above necessary things that are going to be used in making the Scrunchie. If you do the making slowly and caefully you will be able to make beautiful and good looking Scrunchie in a short time. It just a matter of experience, if you are in the field of making Scrunchie for a very long time then you must be having the capability of making it fast i.e. more Scrunchie in less time. Most of the people running small industries also by establishing an automatic machine that produces several ranges of beautiful Scrunchie.


Process of making Scrunchie with easy steps:

  1. First of all, take out a piece of fabric and cut it out in a strip.

  2. Now the second thing that you have to do is fold the fabric long side and so that string can come across the center.

  3. It is time to sew the corner side of the trip full lengthwise.

  4. Pull the strip out and knot it tightly.

  5. Now cut the appropriate length of the elastic and insert it into the tube with the help of a safety pin.

  6. When the elastic comes across the tube then knot it tightly and then remove the safety pin.

  7. Now your Scrunchie has been ready to use.

This article is important with the perspective of doing some creative things and to use the homemade thing. As you see the process of making the Scrunchie is very easy therefore just try to make it once or twice. It is a reminder that there are some prerequisite materials that are required before making the Scrunchie. In the absence of any material like fabric, safety pin, string or anything, the process of making will be stuck in the middle. Those who are curious to make Scrunchie can read the steps of making Scrunchie and begin the experiment right here right now. However there are several other materials with several looks are available in the market that could tie the hair like clutches, hair band etc but Scrunchie is one of the most chosen materials for women and girls. This is so because of thousands of its variety, design, and color, etc. If you want to customize your taste then start making Scrunchie at your place.


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