How to fix problems viewing or passing CAPTCHA verification on Yahoo?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
Kerry Greenwood


Problems seeing or passing CAPTCHA verification

Yahoo uses CAPTCHA verification to protect against spam or other unauthorized access to the account. By selecting the correct images, you verify that you are a person and not a computer that sends spam.

Illegible CAPTCHA

  1. Listen to it: click on the headphones icon of the Captcha audio. below CAPTCHA to hear which images to select.
  2. Try a different code: click on the Captcha update icon. below the CAPTCHA to see different code.

CAPTCHA is not shown

  • Enable JavaScript in your browser.
  • Disable browser add-ons and add-ons.
  • Try using a different, compatible browser.
  • Make sure your browser displays the images correctly.

When will you meet a CAPTCHA

  1. Creating a new Yahoo account.
  2. Making too many failed login attempts.
  3. Message forwarding (chain letters, jokes, etc.).
  4. Access your account from a new browser, computer or location.
  5. Sending an email containing HTML, links, embedded graphics, attachments.

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