How to do Windows 10 Password Reset?
Computers & Internet

Do you guys know any tool to reset windows 10 password? I forgot the log-in password for my computer, and now, I cannot enter the computer. Do you know any tool to crack the password? Thanks for your help.

Answers 1
Adam Smith


Well, it is a common issue now, it may happen every day. When you set a password for your computer, you'd better keep it down, or you may forget it. But do not worry if you have forgotten login password, you can now reset it yourself.

In order to reset windows 10 password, here, I would like to recommend Windows Password Recovery to you. This program provides an easy way to recover, reset windows 10 password. You only need to create a password reset disk and boot your computer from the disk, and then you can reset the Windows 10 password easily.

How to Reset Windows 10 Password?

1.       As you forgot the password, you need to use another accessible computer to download and install the windows password recovery, and then create the password reset disk.

2.      Insert the password reset disk to your locked computer, and boot your computer from it

3.      Reset the password by following the steps written there.


Aside from the Windows password recovery, you can also use Ophcrack to recover the password, but it has a limit, you can only recover password shorter than 14 characters, and the process may be quite time-consuming.


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