How to change or reset your or GMX mail password?
Updated : Wednesday, 10 July, 2019
Updated: 10-Jul-2019
Is it time to change your or GMX Mail password? It is advisable to change your passwords every few months. Updating the password to these accounts is easy, and will give you an idea of ​​the randomness or security of your new password
But, what happens if you forgot your current password, so you can not change it with this method? Your password is saved by many browsers that you may be using. GMX has instructions to locate your password stored in different browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer. They also note that if you recently changed your password, the old password can still be saved in the browser and is being used to automatically complete the password form. Be sure to enter your current password if you remember it.
If you can not locate your current password that way, you can change it using the GMX Password tool or the password reset tool.
These services use the same functions and the only requirement for a password is that it has at least eight characters.
However, a simple eight-character password is not a secure password. They recommend additional security using a combination of letters and numbers, using special characters such as @ and using a combination of uppercase and lowercase.
They recommend that you use a unique password that you do not use for any other website. If the other site is hacked, that password could open your email account. It is smart to make each password unique. Looking at it from the other direction, free email services are popular targets for hackers, and GMX Mail and may be hacked. If you use the same password there, your other website accounts will be at risk.
They do not require you to change your password regularly, but they suggest that you do so. It is smart to change your password every three months.
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