How to Block Unwanted YouTube Videos With YouTube Restricted Mode

    Computers & Internet

    Updated : Friday, 6 September, 2019

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    Updated: 06-Sep-2019

    Block Unwanted YouTube Videos with YouTube Restricted Mode

    Does that make sense that you are watching a video on YouTube and suddenly it stops working? Well, this wasn’t the right question to be asked because people usually face those videos which are inappropriate or else unwanted. YouTube allows some videos to not to disclose but it is a fact that it also shows some unwanted videos which creates a bad impression on kids. Generation changes according to the increasing technology and this also breaks the mindset which appears from unwanted or inappropriate YouTube videos.

    Since you have got a better understanding that the unfavorable videos must be restricted so to remove them with strong privacy, you need to follow the key points,

    1.       Login to your YouTube account and hit account info icon in the right corner.

    2.      Just scroll below and tap on the restricted mode showing off.

    3.      Toggle on the switch which is disabled


    4.   After clicking on the YouTube home page will reload again including the safety mode turn on. Now, what does safety mode does?

    1.          Hides unwanted or inappropriate videos
    2.          Does not allow to return the adult search term results
    3.          Also hides comments by default option
    4.          Don’t worry; inappropriate comments are hidden using asterisks.

    However, if you are the parent and your kid is addicted to YouTube channels then this is the best privacy to let them stay out of the unwanted videos. Once you have the restricted option, the inappropriate videos won’t appear again. Make a frequent check whether the restricted mode in on or off. In case you have lost your account then create a new one and again set up the restricted mode as discussed above.

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