How can I change my Gmail email address, without creating a new one?
Computers & Internet

I created my email id when I was 15 year young, and now I just want to change my old email address because it sounds childish to people. Can I change my Gmail address without creating a new gmail account ? Looking forward for help.

Answers 2
Adam Smith


You can not change your Gmail Email Address, but you can forward your existing email address to new one.

Still, you can try following steps to change your Gmail Email Address :

1.      Open your browser and create a new Gmail account - choose a new username

2.    Once the new account is created with the desired username, you can forward the old Gmail account to the new one and check all your messages in one place.


To rename your Gmail Username, you can follow these steps:

1.      Click the “icon” on the top right corner of your Gmail page.

2.    And select “Settings”.

3.    Now, click on the “Accounts” tab.

4.    And, in the “Send mail as:” section, choose “edit info” next to the address.

5.     In the “Name:” section, specify what you’d like your name to be and click Save changes and proceed.



Adam Smith


hi, You can not change a Gmail email address.


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